作为一个分子生物学家, 您将在细胞水平上解决最大和最复杂的医疗问题. ACPHS提供教师研究导师的指导, unmatched research facilities and options that tailor your experience to your interests.
Work alongside a faculty member based on shared research interest for the entire duration of the two-year molecular biosciences master’s program. 在最先进的研究设施中获得实践经验. Personalize your molecular biosciences master's degree with a focus on laboratory training (thesis track) or through experiential learning (capstone track).
Our program will expand your understanding of key scientific fields such as 微生物学, 免疫学和传染病. Whether you’re entering a PhD program or looking to begin a career researching cures or diagnosing diseases, the molecular biosciences master’s program will leave you confident in your research capabilities and knowledge of the human body's inner workings.
通过在细胞水平上学习人类健康和疾病的基本机制, you will have the foundational knowledge necessary to develop therapies to diagnose and treat 传染性疾病s, 癌症, 糖尿病和其他疾病.
许多分子生物学家有很长的时间, fulfilling careers seeking insights into how human health can be improved from the inside out. 作为一个分子生物学家, you can make groundbreaking discoveries that lead to disease treatment and prevention and ultimately advance human health.
ACPHS laboratories feature state-of-the-art resources for researching cell signaling, 传染性疾病, DNA, RNA和蛋白质功能.
由你的教研导师一对一指导, you will get experience with laboratory equipment and techniques used by professional molecular biologists.
除了这些资源, ACPHS students (and their faculty-research mentors) benefit from shared access to nearby research facilities and the College's Stack Family 生物制药教育培训中心(CBET).
You can also apply for a research assistantship, which allows you to earn $2,500-$3,000 per semester. This stipend can be earned in addition to the many merit- or need-based scholarships available to ACPHS students.
Many graduates from the molecular biosciences master's program continue to top PhD programs in biochemistry, 细胞生物学, 免疫学, 微生物学与分子生物学. Others enter into the biopharmaceutical industry positions at top companies around the country.
ACPHS has a proven track record of helping alumni secure admission to their desired PhD program or employment at top research universities or private companies — with opportunities for skilled professionals growing every day.
超过9个,500 molecular biologists will be needed over the next ten years to fill the growing need for highly trained researchers who understand human health and disease.
The thesis track allows you to gain hands-on research experience and learn laboratory research techniques with the aim of answering relevant scientific questions and includes an 18-month deep dive into a project of your choosing under the guidance of a faculty-research mentor.
顶点轨道是为那些在工业环境中寻求职业生涯的人设计的. 在一家私人研究公司实习时,这条道路达到了顶峰, 让您应用课堂课程和获得现实世界的经验.